HI! What is 39= 1 3/10b? What is B? PLEASE HELP!

To solve the equation 39 = 1 3/10b and find the value of b, we need to isolate the variable b on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Convert the mixed number 1 3/10 to an improper fraction.
1 3/10 = (1 * 10 + 3)/10 = 13/10

Rewriting the equation, we have:
39 = 13/10 * b

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of the fraction 13/10.
Reciprocal of 13/10 = 10/13

39 * 10/13 = (13/10 * b) * (10/13)
(39 * 10) / 13 = b

Step 3: Calculate the result of the multiplication/division on the left side of the equation.
390 / 13 = b
b = 30

Therefore, the value of b in the equation 39 = 1 3/10b is 30.

39 = (13 / 10) b ?

b = 390 / 13