Illustrate a bright, intriguing scene that represents the relationship between repetition and symbolism in literature. Show this through the depiction of a quill pen constantly drawing the same symbol, connecting the idea of a writer's repetitive use of symbolism in their work. The symbol should be an open book, representing literary texts. No text should be visible in the image. Ensure the elements in the image have no distinct races, genders, or year created to maintain respect for the policy. Make the background colorful and abstractionist to maintain a stimulating and appealing atmosphere.

How are repetition and symbolism related in a literary text?

A) Authors repeat symbolic images to make the language simpler for readers.

B) Authors use symbolism to repeat ideas.

C) Authors do not use repetition and symbolism in the same text.

D) Authors use repetition to add layers of symbolism and develop meaning.

Please help!

Just took the test! D is the answer!

Then what do you think the answer is?

I mean I geuss C or D. I geuss I'll find out when I submit the test

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How are repetition and symbolism related in a literary text?

A. Authors use symbolism to repeat ideas.
B. Authors do not use repetition and symbolism in the same text.
C. Authors use repetition to add layers of symbolism and develop meaning.
D. Authors repeat symbolic images to make the language simpler for readers.

The correct answer is C. Authors use repetition to add layers of symbolism and develop meaning in a literary text. Through repetition, authors can emphasize the symbolic meaning of certain elements, making their use throughout the text more significant and noticeable, thus enriching the themes or ideas explored in the work.

Which character motivation is revealed by the action taken by Mrs. Darling?

A. She desires for Peter Pan to become a man and show his love for her daughter Wendy.
B. She wants to live in the land of Peter Pan instead of Wendy.
C. She does not want Wendy to leave her home to live in the land of Peter Pan.
D. She worries about Wendy falling out of the treetops.

The answer is C. Mrs. Darling's action of chaining Wendy to her bedpost at night reveals her motivation of not wanting Wendy to leave her home to live in the land of Peter Pan.

I forgot to put that i think that the answer is D

Well, I guess D could be right. I misread A at first, but D is better.

C is clearly out.
B is possible, but that's not the only reason authors use symbolism.

Think about these. Let us know what you decide.

I disagree