Which of the organisms below has specialized cells to help it function? A.amoeba B.bacteria C.fish D.paramecium


pls help

To determine which of the organisms has specialized cells, let's analyze the options one by one:

A. Amoeba: Amoebas are single-celled organisms belonging to the group of protozoans. They do not have specialized cells. Instead, they have a flexible cell membrane that allows them to change shape.

B. Bacteria: Bacteria are also single-celled organisms, but they do not have specialized cells either. They have much simpler structures and lack organelles.

C. Fish: Fish are multicellular organisms that possess specialized cells for various functions. They have various types of cells such as nerve cells, muscle cells, blood cells, and so on. These cells work together to carry out specific tasks in the fish's body.

D. Paramecium: Paramecium is a single-celled organism that falls under the group of ciliates. Even though they are only composed of a single cell, paramecia possess specialized structures within their cell, such as cilia for movement and contractile vacuoles for osmoregulation.

Based on this information, the organism that has specialized cells to help it function is C. fish. Fish possess various specialized cells that work together to support their physiological processes.