Generate an interesting image that reflects the idea of comparison, emphasizing the search for similarities and differences. The image should be vibrant and visually appealing, with a strong focus on juxtaposition. We could see a pair of apples, one red and one green on a wooden table as an example. Elements within the image, such as shape, color, size, and pattern, should be visually distinct to engage the viewer and stimulate a sense of curiosity.

When you are comparing things, you are looking for what is_______.

A. similar
B. Interesting
C. Different
D. Cited

Here are the answers to the Comparing Informational Texts Quick Check, trust me,

1. Similar
2. The point of view of the author
3. Purpose
4. To persuade
5. Subject


1. Similar

2. The point of view of the author
3. Purpose
4. Subject

100% for Connexus

For Lesson 16, Unit 9: Comparing Informational Texts Quick Check Language Arts, (Connexus) I don’t know what #4 is. There was only 4 questions. But other wise, (skip #4) @ Anonymous is 100% right.


2.the point of view of the author

Anonymous is right💯✨

for 2021

1. Similar
2. The point of view of the author
3. Purpose
4. Subject

Anonymous is correct (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ (skip #4)

Sorry for not helping, I will be back soon.

no wonder why your failing you cant even spell anonymous.

I don't understand why people just copy the original answers and act like they are saving the day. Anonymous is 100% correct btw