what is 0.166666 rounded to 3 decimal places

0.166 and a number that is 5 or more, namely 6, so 0.167

the 6 in the 4th decimal place means the 3rd place is rounded up to 7

To round the number 0.166666 to 3 decimal places, you should look at the fourth decimal place, which is 6. Since 6 is greater than or equal to 5, you round up the third decimal place. This means that 0.166666 rounded to 3 decimal places is 0.167.

To round 0.166666 to 3 decimal places, you need to look at the fourth decimal place, which is 6 in this case.

Since 6 is greater than or equal to 5, the next digit after the third decimal place becomes 1 more than that digit.

Therefore, rounding 0.166666 to 3 decimal places would result in 0.167.