There was resistance to Jesus being the true Messiah and also resistance to Christianity in the Roman world in general. Describe each one in 2-3 sentences.


Resistance to Jesus being the true Messiah stemmed from various factors. The religious leaders, particularly the Pharisees and Sadducees, opposed Jesus as they perceived him as a threat to their authority and religious traditions. Additionally, some Jews resisted Jesus' claim to be the Messiah because they were expecting a political and military savior who would liberate them from Roman rule, rather than a spiritual figure.

Resistance to Christianity in the Roman world was primarily driven by political and social reasons. The Roman authorities viewed Christianity as a threat to their power and control, as it declared allegiance to Jesus as the ultimate authority, thereby undermining the divine status of the Roman Emperor. Furthermore, Christians' refusal to participate in the pagan rituals and worship of Roman gods was seen as a rejection of Roman cultural norms, leading to suspicion and persecution of early Christians.

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