When identifying a mineral, scientists will often rub it accross a porcelain plate to determine color of the powder left behind. This is to determine the minerals-

A. Color

B. Streak

C. Luster

D. Density


What do you think it is?

The internet says that it's B. Search your question on google if you could and it says streak somewhere.

The correct answer is B. Streak.

Scientists rub a mineral across a porcelain plate to determine the color of the powder left behind, which is known as the streak. This is an important characteristic used in identifying minerals. The color of a mineral's external appearance can sometimes be misleading or inconsistent, as it may be influenced by impurities or other factors. However, the streak color, which is the true color of the mineral in powdered form, remains consistent.

To perform this streak test and determine the mineral's streak color, scientists usually use an unglazed porcelain plate. They firmly and uniformly rub the mineral against the plate, exerting enough pressure to break down the mineral into powder. The resulting streak left on the porcelain plate can range from various colors like white, brown, black, red, etc., depending on the mineral's composition.

By observing the streak color, scientists can eliminate the confusion caused by external color and accurately identify the mineral. Different minerals have different streak colors, which can provide valuable clues for identification alongside other properties such as hardness, luster, and density.