Chris bought 10.4 gallons of gasoline. There are approximately 3.8 liters in 1 gallon. Which measurement is closest to the number of liters of gasoline Chris bought?

It's 39.52

So let's say that Chris is Christopher Afton.

Christopher has 10.4 gallons of gasoline.
1 gallon is about 3.8 liters.
You are switching 10.4 gallons to liters.
Think. Is a gallon bigger or smaller than a liter? If a gallon is smaller than a liter, would you have to multiply or divide? If a gallon is bigger than a liter, would you have to multiply or divide?


To find the number of liters of gasoline Chris bought, we need to convert the given number of gallons to liters using the conversion factor of 3.8 liters in 1 gallon.

First, we'll multiply the number of gallons by the conversion factor:
10.4 gallons * 3.8 liters/gallon = 39.52 liters.

Now we have the exact number of liters of gasoline Chris bought, which is 39.52 liters.

Since the question asks for the measurement closest to the number of liters of gasoline Chris bought, we can round the answer to the nearest whole number.

The closest whole number to 39.52 is 40. Therefore, the measurement closest to the number of liters of gasoline Chris bought is approximately 40 liters.

Chris bought 10.4 gallons of gasoline. There are approximately 3.8 liters in 1 gallon. Which measurement is closest to the number of liters of gasoline Chris bought?

What are you choices?

Hopefully, this helps, if not, then sorry I tried my best :)