Sam has x apples and 5 fewer oranges. Which equation represents the number of oranges? Hint: Make an x, y table first

A. y=x+5
B. y=x-5
C. y=5-x
D. y=5+x

Oh! Sam has apples and oranges? That's fruitylicious! Let's break it down with an x-y table first.

For every x apples, Sam has 5 fewer oranges. So we'll subtract 5 from x and call it y.

Now, let's match it up with the options:

A. y = x + 5. Nope, this equation says Sam has x MORE oranges, not fewer.
B. y = x - 5. Ah, this looks promising! It says Sam has x apples and 5 fewer oranges. Bingo!
C. y = 5 - x. Oops, this equation suggests that Sam starts with 5 oranges and loses x. That's not it.
D. y = 5 + x. This equation implies that Sam starts with 5 oranges and gains x. Not quite right.

So, the correct equation is B. y = x - 5. Sam has x apples and 5 fewer oranges. Keep those fruit equations coming!

To create an x, y table, we can assume a value for x and then calculate the corresponding value for y. Let's assume x = 10.

If Sam has 10 apples, then the number of oranges would be 10 - 5 = 5.

Now, let's check the given equations to see which one correctly represents the number of oranges:

A. y = x + 5
Substituting x = 10, we get y = 10 + 5 = 15. This equation does not represent the correct number of oranges, as we calculated the number of oranges to be 5.

B. y = x - 5
Substituting x = 10, we get y = 10 - 5 = 5. This equation represents the correct number of oranges.

C. y = 5 - x
Substituting x = 10, we get y = 5 - 10 = -5. This equation does not represent a realistic number of oranges.

D. y = 5 + x
Substituting x = 10, we get y = 5 + 10 = 15. This equation does not represent the correct number of oranges.

Therefore, the equation that represents the number of oranges is B. y = x - 5.

To find the equation that represents the number of oranges, let's create an x, y table using the available information.

Let's consider the value of x as the number of apples Sam has. As mentioned in the question, Sam has x apples. Now, let's consider the number of oranges Sam has. It is given that Sam has 5 fewer oranges than apples. This means the number of oranges can be represented as (x - 5).

Based on this information, we can create the following table:

x (apples) | y (oranges)
1 | 1 - 5 = -4
2 | 2 - 5 = -3
3 | 3 - 5 = -2
... | ...
n | n - 5

From the table, we can see that the number of oranges is given by y = x - 5. Therefore, the correct equation is:

B. y = x - 5