At midnight, the temperature in a city was 5 degrees Celsius. The temperature was dropping at a steady rate of 2 degrees Celsius per hour.

Write an inequality that represents the number of hours past midnight, when the
temperature was colder than -4 degrees Celsius.





To represent the number of hours past midnight when the temperature was colder than -4 degrees Celsius, we need to set up an inequality.

Let's define the variable "h" to represent the number of hours past midnight. The initial temperature is given as 5 degrees Celsius, and it is dropping at a rate of 2 degrees Celsius per hour.

So, the temperature at any given hour after midnight can be represented as:
Temperature = 5 - 2h

To determine when the temperature was colder than -4 degrees Celsius, we set up the inequality:
Temperature < -4

Replacing the temperature value with our expression:
5 - 2h < -4

Now, we can solve this inequality to find the range of hours when the temperature was colder than -4 degrees Celsius.

5 - 2h < -4
Subtract 5 from both sides:
-2h < -9
Finally, divide both sides by -2 (remember to flip the inequality when dividing by a negative number):
h > 4.5

Therefore, the inequality that represents the number of hours past midnight when the temperature was colder than -4 degrees Celsius is:
h > 4.5