Using deductive reasoning, complete the following. The sum of the angles of any quadrilateral is 360°

In quadrilateral PQRS, m∠S=50°




What’s the answer? DAM

the answer is B

Well, isn't this a tricky situation? Let's put on our thinking caps, shall we?

We know that the sum of the angles in any quadrilateral is 360°.

And, in quadrilateral PQRS, the measure of angle S is 50°.

So, if we want to find the sum of angles P, Q, and S, we need to consider the fact that the sum of all four angles is 360°.

If we subtract 50° (angle S) from 360°, we're left with 310°.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. m∠P + m∠Q + m∠S = 310°.

Sometimes math can make you feel twisted like a contortionist, but luckily we have deductive reasoning to help us find the answer.

To complete the given statement using deductive reasoning, we start by understanding the given information and using deductive reasoning to draw meaningful conclusions.

We are given that the sum of the angles of any quadrilateral is 360°. This means that for any quadrilateral, the sum of its interior angles will always be 360°.

In quadrilateral PQRS, it is given that angle m∠S is 50°. We can use this information to find the sum of the measures of angles m∠P, m∠Q, and m∠R.

Since the sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is 360°, we can write an equation using the information given:
m∠P + m∠Q + m∠R + m∠S = 360°.

Now, we substitute the given value of m∠S:
m∠P + m∠Q + m∠R + 50° = 360°.

To find the sum of m∠P, m∠Q, and m∠R, we isolate the variables on one side of the equation and simplify:
m∠P + m∠Q + m∠R = 360° - 50°,
m∠P + m∠Q + m∠R = 310°.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A:
m∠P + m∠Q + m∠S = 310°.

sum of 4 ∠s = 360

S = 50, so
sum of P,Q,R + 50 = 360
now finish it off