which of the following was a major factor in the decline of the byzantine empire

A. the decision to divide the Roman empire into two
B. the dispute between the pope and the patriarch of Constantinople
C. repeated attacks by Muslim invaders
D. the conquests of Justinian in the west

To determine the major factor in the decline of the Byzantine Empire, let's analyze each option:

A. The decision to divide the Roman Empire into two: This option refers to the division of the Roman Empire into the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire. Initially, this division did not directly lead to the decline of the Byzantine Empire, as the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) continued to thrive. Therefore, this option is less likely to be the major factor in its decline.

B. The dispute between the Pope and the Patriarch of Constantinople: While religious conflicts between the Pope and the Patriarch of Constantinople did strain relations between the Western and Eastern churches, it alone wasn't a significant factor in the decline of the Byzantine Empire.

C. Repeated attacks by Muslim invaders: This option refers to the numerous invasions by Arab and Muslim forces, such as the Arab raids and later the Seljuk and Ottoman Turks. These invasions did have a profound impact on the Byzantine Empire, causing territorial losses and weakening the empire's defenses. Thus, this option is highly likely to be a major factor in the decline of the Byzantine Empire.

D. The conquests of Justinian in the West: This option refers to the military campaigns led by Emperor Justinian, which aimed to restore the Western Roman Empire. While Justinian's conquests did temporarily re-establish some of the lost territories, they also stretched the empire's resources and left it vulnerable to external threats. Therefore, this option can be considered a contributing factor but not the major factor in the decline of the Byzantine Empire.

Considering the above analysis, the most plausible major factor in the decline of the Byzantine Empire would be option C: repeated attacks by Muslim invaders.

The major factor in the decline of the Byzantine Empire was C. repeated attacks by Muslim invaders.