The table below shows the different types of fruits Mr. Ang sold.

Oranges Pears Mangoes Avocados
Number of fruits sold 50 30 20

The number of mangoes sold was 1/5 of the total number of fruits
sold. How many mangoes were sold?

Oranges = 50

Pears = 30

Mangoes = ?

Avocados = 20

So, I guess there's supposed to be a space in the table for Mangoes. That means That if m mangoes were sold, then

m = 1/5 (50+30+20+m)
5m = 100 + m
Now finish it off


To find the number of mangoes sold, we know that the number of mangoes sold was 1/5 of the total number of fruits sold.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of fruits sold by adding the number of oranges, pears, mangoes, and avocados.
Total number of fruits sold = Oranges + Pears + Mangoes + Avocados

In this case, the number of oranges sold is 50, the number of pears sold is 30, and the number of avocados sold is 20. So we can substitute those values into the equation:
Total number of fruits sold = 50 + 30 + Mangoes + 20

Step 2: We know that the number of mangoes sold was 1/5 of the total number of fruits sold. So we can write an equation:
Mangoes = (1/5) * Total number of fruits sold

Step 3: Substitute the expression for the total number of fruits sold from Step 1 into the equation from Step 2:
Mangoes = (1/5) * (50 + 30 + Mangoes + 20)

Step 4: Simplify the equation:
Mangoes = (1/5) * (100 + Mangoes)

Step 5: Distribute the 1/5 to the terms inside the parentheses:
Mangoes = (1/5) * 100 + (1/5) * Mangoes

Step 6: Simplify further:
Mangoes = 20 + (1/5) * Mangoes

Step 7: Move all the terms with Mangoes to one side of the equation:
Mangoes - (1/5) * Mangoes = 20

Step 8: Simplify the left side of the equation:
(4/5) * Mangoes = 20

Step 9: Divide both sides of the equation by (4/5) to solve for Mangoes:
Mangoes = 20 / (4/5)

Step 10: Simplify the right side of the equation:
Mangoes = 20 * (5/4)

Step 11: Multiply the numbers:
Mangoes = 100 / 4

Step 12: Simplify the right side of the equation:
Mangoes = 25

Therefore, Mr. Ang sold 25 mangoes.