Sophie bikes at a speed of s miles per hour. Her friend Rana is slower, her biking speed is only r miles per hour. The route Sophie traveled took her t hour. How long was the route?

Pls help!

distance = rate x time

for Sophie, distance = st miles

To find the length of the route, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Let's consider Sophie. Her biking speed is s miles per hour, and the time she spent biking is t hours. So, the distance she traveled can be found by multiplying her speed by the time: Distance(Sophie) = s × t miles.

Now let's consider Rana. Her biking speed is r miles per hour, and we want to find out how long the route is. Let's call this unknown time value 'x'. So, the distance Rana traveled is given by Distance(Rana) = r × x miles.

Since they both traveled the same route, the distance traveled should be the same. Therefore, we can set up an equation based on the distances:

s × t = r × x

To find 'x', we need to rearrange the equation and solve for it:

x = (s × t) / r

So, to determine the length of the route, you need to divide the product of Sophie's speed and time by Rana's speed.