-24 x 5

well, 24x5 = 120

so, what do you think about -24x5?

@oobleck is right. but I have all the answers:)

1.B: -120
2.A: 56
3.C: (8) (-5)
4.C: -75
5.D: 600

these answers are 100% 5/5 enjoy the rest of your day:)

these answers are for ACA (aka Arizona connections acadamy)

To find the product of -24 and 5, you simply multiply these two numbers together. The multiplication of a positive number and a negative number always results in a negative number.

So, to solve the calculation -24 x 5, you can directly multiply the absolute values and then attach a negative sign to the result.

|-24 x 5| = |-120| = 120.

Since multiplication of a negative number with a positive number results in a negative number, the final answer is -120.