A person earns 125 dollar per day and spends 31 dollar everyday. How much would he spend, save and earn in thirty days?

just multiply those numbers by 30, right?

Earn = $125 * 30

Spend = $31 * 30

Save = ($125-$31) * 30

$125 per day for 30 days would earn you 125*30=$3750

$31 per day for 30 days would lose you 31*30=$930

So the difference would be $3750-$930=$2820

That means the person will spend $930, and he'll save and earn $2820.

To find out how much the person would spend, save, and earn in thirty days, we can use simple arithmetic.

First, let's calculate the total amount earned in thirty days. The person earns $125 per day, so in thirty days, they would earn:

Total earnings = $125/day * 30 days = $3750

Next, let's determine the total amount spent in thirty days. The person spends $31 per day, so in thirty days, they would spend:

Total spending = $31/day * 30 days = $930

Finally, to calculate the amount saved, we subtract the total spending from the total earnings:

Total savings = Total earnings - Total spending
= $3750 - $930
= $2820

Therefore, in thirty days, the person would spend $930, save $2820, and earn $3750.