Ivy, Ken, and Ron shared some sweets in the ratio 5: 4 : 2. Ken gave some of his sweets to Ivy and Ron. As a result, his sweets decreased by 75%. After receiving some sweets from Ken, Ron's. Find the sweets increased by 50%. Find the percentage increase in the number of sweets that Ivy had.

Plz help me I am struggling

so am I -- not quite sure how to interpret

After receiving some sweets from Ken, Ron's. Find the sweets

I think you garbled the information.

To find the percentage increase in the number of sweets that Ivy had, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the initial number of sweets Ivy had.
Given that Ivy, Ken, and Ron shared sweets in the ratio 5:4:2, let's assume the total number of sweets they originally had is represented by 11x, where x is a common factor.

Since the ratio is 5:4:2, Ivy would have received 5/11 of the total sweets. So, the initial number of sweets Ivy had is (5/11) * 11x = 5x.

Step 2: Determine the number of sweets Ken had after giving away 75%.
If Ken's sweets decreased by 75%, it means he lost 75/100 of his sweets.
Therefore, Ken had ((100 - 75)/100) * (4/11) * 11x = (1/4) * 4x = x sweets left after giving away 75%.

Step 3: Determine the number of sweets Ron received, which led to a 50% increase.
When Ron received sweets from Ken, his sweet count increased by 50%. This means Ron's sweets increased to (1 + 50/100) * (2/11) * 11x = (3/11) * 2x = (6/11) * x.

Step 4: Determine the final number of sweets Ivy had after Ron received some.
Since Ron's sweets increased to (6/11) * x and Ivy originally had 5x, we need to determine the increase in Ivy's sweets.

The increase in Ivy's sweets is (6/11)*x - 5x = (6/11)*x - (55/11)*x = (6 - 55)/11 * x = (-49/11) * x.

Step 5: Determine the percentage increase in the number of sweets Ivy had.
To find the percentage increase, we need to divide the increase in sweets by the initial number of sweets Ivy had and multiply by 100.

Percentage increase = (-49/11) * x / 5x * 100
= (-49/11) / 5 * 100
≈ - 89.09%

Therefore, the percentage increase in the number of sweets that Ivy had is approximately - 89.09%. Note that the negative sign indicates a decrease rather than an increase.