the same of three consecutive numbers.find the numbers

11, 12, 13

x + x + 1 + x + 2 = 36
3x + 3 = 36
3x = 36 - 3
3x = 33
x = 11
x + 1 = 12
x + 2 = 13
This was answered ten minutes ago!

Why are you asking the same questions?

or, with the middle number=x,

x-1 + x + x+1 = 3x = 36
x = 12
The numbers are thus 11,12,13

To find three consecutive numbers with the same sum, you can follow these steps:

1. Let's assume the first number in the sequence is "x".
2. The next two consecutive numbers would be "x + 1" and "x + 2".

Now, we need to find the sum of these three numbers and set it equal to a specific value.

3. The sum of the three numbers is: x + (x + 1) + (x + 2).
Simplifying the equation, we have: 3x + 3.

4. Set this sum equal to the desired value. For example, if the desired sum is 15, we have the equation:
3x + 3 = 15.

5. Solve the equation for x:
Subtract 3 from both sides: 3x = 15 - 3.
Simplifying further, we get: 3x = 12.
Divide both sides by 3: x = 12 / 3.
The value of x is 4.

6. Now that we have the value of x, substitute it back into the sequence to find the numbers:
The three consecutive numbers are: 4, 5, and 6.

So, the three consecutive numbers with the same sum are 4, 5, and 6.