canada has a population that is about 1/10 as large as the united states. if canada population is about 32 million, about how many people live in the united states?

32,000,000 * 10 = ?

To find out approximately how many people live in the United States, we can use the given information that Canada's population is about 1/10 as large as the United States' population and that Canada has a population of about 32 million.

Here's how we can calculate it step by step:

1. Determine the population ratio between Canada and the United States: Since Canada's population is about 1/10 as large as the United States, the ratio can be expressed as 1:10.

2. Multiply Canada's population (32 million) by the population ratio to find the estimated population of the United States:

32 million * 10 = 320 million

Therefore, based on this estimate, there are approximately 320 million people living in the United States.