in of mice and men Do you think that Candy’s opinion of Curley’s wife is justified? Why or why not?

To form an opinion on whether Candy's opinion of Curley's wife in "Of Mice and Men" is justified, we need to consider various factors and examine the text. Here's how you can analyze this question:

1. Read the relevant sections: To understand Candy's opinion of Curley's wife better, read the parts of the book where Candy talks about her and interacts with her.

2. Consider character backgrounds: Consider Candy's background and experiences. Candy is an older ranch worker with a physical disability, and he has likely faced prejudice and exclusion because of this. This background might influence his opinions.

3. Analyze Curley's wife's portrayal: Examine how Curley's wife is portrayed throughout the book. Does she display any negative behaviors or attitudes? Take note of how other characters perceive her as well.

4. Explore the impact of sexist attitudes: "Of Mice and Men" is set in a time where sexist attitudes were prevalent, and women were often objectified. Consider whether Candy's opinion might be influenced by these deep-rooted biases.

5. Look for evidence: Evaluate if the text provides any evidence to support or challenge Candy's opinion. Consider the dialogue, actions, and interactions between Candy and Curley's wife.

6. Form your own opinion: Based on your analysis, form your own opinion on whether Candy's opinion is justified. It should be backed by evidence from the text.

Remember, literature analysis is subjective, and different readers may have different interpretations. The goal is to gather evidence from the text and critically evaluate it to support your argument.