Billy and Julia go to the Sportorama store to buy baseball jerseys. The store is having a sale. If you buy one jersey at the regular price, the second jersey is half price. You must pay full price for the more expensive jersey. Billy wants to buy a jersey for thirty five dollars and ninety-eight cents. Julia wants to buy a jersey for forty-nine dollars and ninety-six cents. Julia suggests they but the jerseys together and each of them pay half the total cost. How much does each person save by following Julia’s suggestion?

Together they pay 49.96 + 35.98/2 = 67.95

so each pays half of that. now finish it off.

To calculate how much each person saves by following Julia's suggestion, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the regular price of the jerseys.
Billy's jersey: $35.98
Julia's jersey: $49.96

Step 2: Determine the more expensive jersey.
Comparing the prices from Step 1, we see that Julia's jersey is more expensive.

Step 3: Calculate the discount on the less expensive jersey.
The discount on the less expensive jersey is 50% of its price.

Discount = (50/100) * Price

For Billy's jersey:
Discount = (50/100) * $35.98
= $17.99

Step 4: Find the total cost without the discount.
Total Cost = Regular Price of the more expensive jersey + Regular Price of the less expensive jersey

For Billy's and Julia's jerseys:
Total Cost = $49.96 + $35.98
= $85.94

Step 5: Subtract the discount savings from the total cost of both jerseys.
Total Savings = Total Cost without discount - Discount on the less expensive jersey

Total Savings = $85.94 - $17.99
= $67.95

Step 6: Divide the total savings evenly between Billy and Julia.
Each person saves half of the total savings.

Savings per person = Total Savings / 2

Savings per person = $67.95 / 2
= $33.98

Therefore, each person saves $33.98 by following Julia's suggestion.

To find out how much each person saves by following Julia's suggestion, we need to calculate the total cost of the jerseys and compare it to the amount they would have paid individually.

First, let's calculate the total cost of the jerseys without any discount:

Billy's jersey: $35.98
Julia's jersey: $49.96

Now, let's find out which jersey is more expensive. Comparing prices, we see that Julia's jersey is more expensive. Therefore, she will have to pay the full price for her jersey.

Now, let's calculate the half price for Billy's jersey:

Half price = $35.98 / 2 = $17.99

Since Julia is paying the full price for her jersey, they need to add it to the half price of Billy's jersey to calculate the total cost:

Total cost = Half price of Billy's jersey + Full price of Julia's jersey
Total cost = $17.99 + $49.96 = $67.95

Now, let's find out how much each person would have paid individually:

Billy: $35.98 (individual cost)
Julia: $49.96 (individual cost)

If they decide to follow Julia's suggestion and split the total cost equally, each person would pay half of the total cost:

Each person's cost = Total cost / 2
Each person's cost = $67.95 / 2 = $33.98

To find out how much each person saves by following Julia's suggestion, we can calculate the difference between their individual cost and the cost of splitting the total:

Billy's savings = Billy's individual cost - Each person's cost
Billy's savings = $35.98 - $33.98 = $2.00

Julia's savings = Julia's individual cost - Each person's cost
Julia's savings = $49.96 - $33.98 = $15.98

Therefore, Billy saves $2.00 and Julia saves $15.98 by following Julia's suggestion.