From the similar triangles in the diagram, write a proportion using the ratio

i dont need to know the answer, i just need to know what this means, what ratio? how do i write the proportion?

Cannot diagram on these posts.

To write a proportion using the ratio WX/WV, we need to understand what this ratio represents. In the given diagram, WX and WV are lengths or distances of two sides of similar triangles.

A ratio represents the relationship between two quantities. In this case, the ratio WX/WV compares the length of side WX to the length of side WV.

To write a proportion, we use the form a/b = c/d, where a and c are the lengths or quantities that are being compared, and b and d are the corresponding lengths or quantities.

In this context, we can write the proportion using the ratio WX/WV as follows:

WX / WV = a / b

Here, WX corresponds to a, and WV corresponds to b. The exact values of a and b will depend on the specific lengths of those sides in your diagram.

Remember, a proportion is useful when working with similar figures because the ratios of corresponding sides are equal.