Mary bought 3 hamburgers and 2 sodas for $7.50. A soda costs $0.75. Tax is included in the prices. What is the cost of one hamburger?





To calculate the cost of one hamburger, we need to subtract the cost of the sodas from the total cost of $7.50.

The cost of the sodas is $0.75 x 2 = $1.50.

So, the cost of the hamburgers is $7.50 - $1.50 = $6.00.

Mary bought 3 hamburgers, so the cost of one hamburger is $6.00 รท 3 = $2.00.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. $2.00.

To find the cost of one hamburger, we can start by finding out the total cost of the sodas. We know that Mary bought 2 sodas and each soda costs $0.75. So the total cost of the sodas is 2 * $0.75 = $1.50.

Next, we can subtract the cost of the sodas from the total cost of the hamburgers and sodas, which is $7.50.

$7.50 - $1.50 = $6.00

Now, we can divide the remaining cost ($6.00) by the number of hamburgers Mary bought (3) to find the cost of one hamburger.

$6.00 / 3 = $2.00

Therefore, the cost of one hamburger is $2.00.

So the correct answer is B. $2.00.

well, the 2 sodas cost $1.50

That leaves $6.00 for the 3 burgers
so ...
