1.Thomas Edison invented

A.the radio
B.silent film **
C.radio plays
D. The record player

2.The roar of the dinosaurs in the Jurassic park films include the sound from which of the following?
A. Whale **
B. Dolphin
C. Anteater
D. Hummingbird

3.How many Elvis records have been sold?
A. About 100 million
B. About 500 million**
C. About 1 billion
D. About 1.5 billion

4. A beatbox was designed to imitate
A. High-pitched vocals
B. Improvisation in jazz
C. Percussion instruments
D. The music of previous wars


1. D
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. False
7. True
8. D
9. B
10. B
11. B
12. D
13. B
14. D
15. B

1. Thomas Edison invented:

Answer: B. Silent film

2. The roar of the dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park films include the sound from which of the following:

Answer: A. Whale

3. How many Elvis records have been sold:

Answer: B. About 500 million

4. A beatbox was designed to imitate:

Answer: C. Percussion instruments

1. To determine the answer, we need to know who invented silent film. To do so, we can search for "inventor of silent film" on a reliable search engine. Upon searching, we find that Thomas Edison did invent silent film, so the answer is B. silent film.

2. We need to find out which animal's sound was used in the roar of dinosaurs in Jurassic Park films. To achieve this, we can search for "Jurassic Park roar sound effects" or something similar. From the search results, we discover that the sound of a whale was used to create the dinosaur roars in the films. Therefore, the answer is A. Whale.

3. Determining the number of Elvis records sold requires some research. We can search for "total Elvis records sold" to find the answer. After searching, we come across various sources stating that approximately 500 million Elvis records have been sold. Thus, the correct answer is B. About 500 million.

4. To identify what the beatbox was designed to imitate, we can search for "purpose of beatbox instrument" or related terms. After conducting the search, we learn that a beatbox is designed to imitate percussion instruments. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Percussion instruments.