Mr.King made a pot of tea at his restaurant. The pot holds 15 servings of tea. If each serving is 3 1/3 oz, how many ounces of tea does the pot hold?

To find the total number of ounces of tea that the pot holds, we need to multiply the number of servings by the amount of tea in each serving.

The pot holds 15 servings of tea, and each serving is 3 1/3 oz. To simplify the calculation, let's convert the mixed number 3 1/3 to an improper fraction.

3 1/3 = (3 * 3 + 1) / 3 = 10/3

Now, let's multiply the number of servings by the amount of tea in each serving:

15 servings * (10/3 oz per serving)

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:

(15 * 10) / (3)

Now, let's calculate:

150 / 3 = 50

Therefore, the pot holds 50 ounces of tea.