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When the temperature is 68°F, the speed of sound in the air is approximately 343 meters per second. Approximately how many kilometers does sound travel in five seconds?

could you help me, please?

answers plz

pls answer

Yes, I can help you with that. To calculate approximately how many kilometers sound travels in five seconds, we need to convert the speed of sound from meters per second to kilometers per second.

The conversion factor to convert meters to kilometers is 0.001. Therefore, to convert 343 meters per second to kilometers per second, we divide by 1000 (since there are 1000 meters in a kilometer).

So, the speed of sound in kilometers per second is 343 meters per second divided by 1000, which equals 0.343 kilometers per second.

Next, we can multiply the speed of sound in kilometers per second by the number of seconds we want to calculate the distance for, which in this case is five seconds.

0.343 kilometers per second multiplied by five seconds equals 1.715 kilometers.

Therefore, sound travels approximately 1.715 kilometers in five seconds.

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with your question!

To solve this problem, we need to convert the speed of sound from meters per second to kilometers per second by dividing it by 1000 since there are 1000 meters in a kilometer. Once we have the speed of sound in kilometers per second, we can multiply it by the number of seconds to find the distance traveled.

Here are the steps to solve the problem:

Step 1: Convert the speed of sound from meters per second to kilometers per second.
343 meters per second / 1000 = 0.343 kilometers per second

Step 2: Multiply the speed of sound in kilometers per second by the number of seconds traveled.
0.343 kilometers per second * 5 seconds = 1.715 kilometers

Therefore, sound travels approximately 1.715 kilometers in five seconds when the temperature is 68°F.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.