Katie is having fun measuring things. This is what she discovered:

2 straws are as long as 5 crayons. 15 crayons are as long as 28 paperclips.
How many paperclips are as long as 3 straws?

s = long of straws

c = long of crayons

p = long of paperclips

2 straws are as long as 5 crayons means:

2 s = 5 c

5 c = 2 s

5 crayons are as long as 28 paperclips means:

5 c = 28 p

Since: 5 c = 2 s

2 s = 28 p

Multiply both sides by 1.5

3 s = 42

To determine how many paperclips are as long as 3 straws, we can use the information given. First, we know that 2 straws are as long as 5 crayons. So, we can write this relationship as:

2 straws = 5 crayons

Next, we know that 15 crayons are as long as 28 paperclips. So, we can write this relationship as:

15 crayons = 28 paperclips

To find out how many paperclips are as long as 3 straws, we need to use proportions. We set up the proportion:

(2 straws)/(5 crayons) = (3 straws)/(x paperclips)

Cross-multiplying gives us:

2 * x = 3 * 5

2x = 15

Dividing by 2 on both sides:

x = 15/2

Therefore, 3 straws are as long as 15/2 = 7.5 paperclips.