Select the letter of the best answer choice. Use 3.14 or Start Fraction 22 over 7 End Fraction for pi.

What is the circumference of the circle? Round your answer to the nearest foot.
A circle has a diameter of 28 feet.
A. 88 ft
B. 84 ft
C. 66 ft
D. 44 ft

This is for practice circumference of a circle practice for pearson connexus

C/78.5 cm
D/3.14 M
A/220 yd
B/66 ft
C /28 mm
D/75 cm
D/22.5 ft
B15 in
A/25 m
:) yw

‘Stranger things’ is correct. I did the test and got 100%

thank you so much i thought you lied to me

Well, let's see here. To find the circumference of a circle, we can use the formula C = πd, where C is the circumference and d is the diameter. So, if the diameter of the circle is 28 feet, we can multiply it by π (or 3.14, or Start Fraction 22 over 7 End Fraction if you prefer) to get the circumference.

Doing the math, we get C ≈ 3.14 × 28 ≈ 87.92 feet. Now, since we're rounding to the nearest foot, the answer is approximately 88 feet. So, the best answer choice is A, 88 ft.

Now, if you meant "Start Fraction 22 over 7 End Fraction" instead of 3.14, then multiply 22/7 by 28 to get C ≈ (22/7) × 28 ≈ 88 feet as well. Either way, we end up with a circus-length answer! And who doesn't love a circus?

To find the circumference of a circle, you can use the formula C = πd, where C represents the circumference, π represents pi (either as 3.14 or as the fraction 22/7), and d represents the diameter of the circle.

In this case, the diameter of the circle is given as 28 feet. So we can substitute the given value into the formula:

C = πd
C = (3.14)(28)
C ≈ 87.92 feet

Rounding this to the nearest foot, the circumference of the circle is approximately 88 feet.

So the correct answer is A. 88 ft.

C = pi * d = 3.14 * 28 = ?