In 1801, which of the following were Robert Livingston’s objectives when negotiating with the French?

i. to stop Spain from transferring land to France
ii. to buy New Orleans and Florida from France
iii. to create an alliance with France against Spain
iv. to purchase Canada and the Caribbean from France
i and ii only
i and iii only
i and iv only
i, iii, and iv only

To determine Robert Livingston's objectives when negotiating with the French in 1801, we can start by understanding the historical context. In 1801, France, under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte, had recently acquired the Louisiana Territory from Spain.

One of Robert Livingston's objectives was to stop Spain from transferring land to France. This refers to i. on the list of options. Livingston was concerned about the expansion of French territory in North America.

Another objective was to buy New Orleans and Florida from France. This refers to ii. on the list of options. Livingston wanted to secure these territories to protect American trade interests and ensure access to the Mississippi River.

Creating an alliance with France against Spain, as mentioned in option iii., was not one of Livingston's objectives. Although the United States did have concerns about Spanish influence in North America, there was no explicit goal to form an alliance with France against Spain.

Purchasing Canada and the Caribbean from France, as mentioned in option iv., was also not one of Livingston's objectives. The focus was primarily on securing New Orleans and Florida, rather than expanding into other French territories.

Based on this information, the correct answer would be A. i and ii only.