The regular price of a calculator is $12.30. Warren paid 75¢ less than the regular price for the calculator. He also paid $1.48 for a pad of paper. What is the total amount Warren paid for these two items?

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12.30 - 0.75 + 1.48 = ____

To find the total amount Warren paid for the calculator and the pad of paper, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the price Warren paid for the calculator.
Warren paid 75¢ less than the regular price, which is $12.30.
The price he paid is $12.30 - $0.75 = $11.55.

Step 2: Add the price of the pad of paper to the price Warren paid for the calculator.
Warren paid $11.55 for the calculator and $1.48 for the pad of paper.
Therefore, the total amount Warren paid for these two items is $11.55 + $1.48 = $13.03.

So, Warren paid a total of $13.03.

To find the total amount Warren paid for the calculator and the pad of paper, we need to add the amounts he paid for each item.

First, let's calculate how much Warren paid for the calculator. We know that he paid 75¢ less than the regular price of $12.30. To calculate this, we subtract 75¢ from $12.30:

$12.30 - $0.75 = $11.55

So, Warren paid $11.55 for the calculator.

Next, let's calculate how much Warren paid for the pad of paper, which is $1.48.

Now, we can find the total amount Warren paid for the two items by adding the amount he paid for the calculator ($11.55) and the amount he paid for the pad of paper ($1.48):

$11.55 + $1.48 = $13.03

Therefore, Warren paid a total of $13.03 for the calculator and the pad of paper.