Which two groups considered Palestine as their homeland?

a.Egyptians and Jewsb
b. Jews and Turks
c. Arabs and Jews

The correct answer is c. Arabs and Jews.

To arrive at this answer, one can refer to historical and geopolitical facts. Palestine is a region located in the Middle East. Throughout history, different groups have had claims to Palestine as their homeland. Two prominent groups that have historically considered Palestine their homeland are the Jews and the Arabs.

The Jewish connection to Palestine dates back to biblical times, with the Jews considering the land of Israel (which includes modern-day Israel and Palestine) as their ancestral homeland. After centuries of dispersion, Jews aspired to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine, culminating in the founding of the State of Israel in 1948.

On the other hand, the Arab connection to Palestine is tied to the broader Arab identity and historical presence in the region. Arabs, including Arab Palestinians, have established communities and societies in Palestine over many centuries.

Therefore, when considering the groups that historically and currently consider Palestine as their homeland, the correct answer is c. Arabs and Jews.