Is the sentence "prizes awarded to the winners "and active voice of passive voice

Passive, the prizes are not doing the awarding.

The sentence "prizes awarded to the winners" is in the passive voice. In passive voice, the subject receives the action instead of performing it. In this case, the subject (prizes) is receiving the action (awarded) rather than performing the action itself.

To determine if a sentence is in the active voice or passive voice, you will need to look at the subject and the verb in the sentence.

In the given sentence, "prizes awarded to the winners," the verb is "awarded." The subject of the sentence is not explicitly stated. However, we can assume that the subject is implied to be the entity or organization giving out the prizes.

To determine if it is in active or passive voice, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the verb: The verb in the sentence is "awarded."

2. Determine the subject: Since the subject is not explicitly stated, we can assume that the prizes are being awarded by someone or some organization. Therefore, the subject is implied to be the entity or organization awarding the prizes.

3. Ask who or what is performing the action: In this case, we do not know who or what is awarding the prizes. We only know that prizes are being awarded.

Based on this analysis, the sentence "prizes awarded to the winners" is in the passive voice. The focus is on the action being done to the prizes, rather than on who is performing the action.