1.What reason did Jefferson give for the Louisiana Purchase being constitutional?

A.He declared the purchase was in the best interest of the American people.
B. He claimed that the “necessary and proper” clause in the Constitution gave the President the power to buy land.

C. He argued that the Constitution allowed the President to make treaties and the Louisiana Purchase was part of a treaty.

D. He reasoned that the Constitution did not specifically forbid the President from buying land.

2.What precedent was set by the election of 1800?
A. The Electoral College must confirm the outcome of the popular vote.

B. Political power will transfer peacefully from one party to another party.

C. Presidents and Vice Presidents must be from the same party.

D. A President should serve no more than two terms in office.

1. C. He argued that the Constitution allowed the President to make treaties and the Louisiana Purchase was part of a treaty.

2. B. Political power will transfer peacefully from one party to another party.

1. The correct answer is C. Jefferson argued that the Constitution allowed the President to make treaties and the Louisiana Purchase was part of a treaty.

Explanation: To confirm this answer, one would need to refer to historical documents and writings by Jefferson himself. The Louisiana Purchase, which occurred in 1803, involved the United States acquiring a vast territory from France. Jefferson believed that the power to make treaties, as outlined in Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, gave him the authority to pursue and complete the Louisiana Purchase. This argument was based on the idea that treaties were considered the supreme law of the land and, therefore, the President had the constitutional right to pursue and negotiate such agreements.

2. The correct answer is B. The precedent set by the election of 1800 was that political power could transfer peacefully from one party to another.

Explanation: The election of 1800 was a significant turning point in American history, as it marked the first peaceful transfer of power between political parties in the United States. The Democratic-Republican candidate, Thomas Jefferson, defeated the incumbent President, John Adams, who was a Federalist. This election highlighted the principle of a peaceful transition of power between different political factions, demonstrating that the democratic process could effectively transfer control of the government from one party to another without resorting to violence or upheaval. This precedent continues to define the American political system and is considered a core tenet of democracy in the United States.