Amy, Bart, Connor, and Doug raced to the oak tree. It took Amy 16 seconds to get there. It took Bart 4 seconds less than Amy. Connor 3 seconds less than Bart. Doug was the slowest. It took him twice as long as Connor to get to the tree. How many seconds did it take Doug to reach the tree?


b = 16-4 = 12
and so on

16 - 4 = 12 Bart

12 - 3 = 9 Connor

2 * 9 = ?

To find out how many seconds it took Doug to reach the tree, we need to determine the time it took Connor and Bart to get there first.

We know that it took Amy 16 seconds, so Bart's time is 4 seconds less, which gives us 16 - 4 = 12 seconds for Bart.

Similarly, Connor's time is 3 seconds less than Bart, so his time is 12 - 3 = 9 seconds.

Now, we are given that Doug took twice as long as Connor, which means Doug's time is 2 * 9 = 18 seconds.

Therefore, it took Doug 18 seconds to reach the oak tree.