which formula should be used to find the area of the composite shape? choose all that apply


someone plz tell me the answers asap!

h t t p s: / / w w w . c o n n e x u s . c o m / c o n t e n t / m e d i a / 1 7

2 3 9 5 7 - 7 1 2 2 0 1 6 - 3 1 6 0 3 - P M - 4 2 8 2 8 2 8 3 9 . g i f this is the image (p.s don't put the spaces in between the letters)

ok i do not need help anymore i found the right answers

Hmm :/ It's just a pic of a star

To find the area of a composite shape, you need to determine the different shapes that make up the composite shape and calculate the area of each individual shape. Then, sum up the areas of all the shapes to get the total area of the composite shape.

Based on the given options, let's evaluate each formula:

1. A = 4(1/2xbh) + lw
This formula seems to calculate the area of a trapezoid (1/2 base x height) and adds the area of a rectangle (length x width) to it. However, since the options mention composite shape, it is unlikely to be the correct formula.

2. A = 4bh + lw
This formula calculates the area of a rectangle (length x width) and multiplies it by 4. This could be correct if the composite shape consists of four identical rectangles.

3. A = 2bh + lw
This formula calculates the area of a triangle (1/2 base x height), doubles it (2bh), and adds the area of a rectangle (length x width). This could be correct if the composite shape consists of a triangle and a rectangle.

4. A = 2bh + bh
This formula calculates the area of a trapezoid (1/2 base x height) and doubles it (2bh). It then adds the area of another rectangle (base x height). This could be correct if the composite shape consists of a trapezoid and a rectangle.

Based on the explanations above, options 2 (A = 4bh + lw), 3 (A = 2bh + lw), and 4 (A = 2bh + bh) could potentially be used to find the area of a composite shape, depending on the specific shapes that make up the composite shape.