Mitchell is taking a 500-mile road trip. If he is 48% of the way there, how many miles has he driven?

0.48 * 500

which is 48 * 5
which is half of 480
= 240

.48 * 500 = ___

To find out how many miles Mitchell has driven, we can calculate 48% of the total distance.

Step 1: Multiply 500 (total distance of the road trip) by 0.48 (the decimal equivalent of 48%)
500 * 0.48 = 240

Mitchell has driven 240 miles.

To find out how many miles Mitchell has driven, we can use the concept of percent as a proportion.

Step 1: Convert the given percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100. In this case, 48% is equivalent to 0.48 (48 ÷ 100 = 0.48).

Step 2: Multiply the decimal value obtained in Step 1 by the total distance of the road trip. Mitchell is taking a 500-mile road trip, so we multiply 0.48 by 500:

0.48 x 500 = 240

Therefore, Mitchell has driven 240 miles of his 500-mile road trip.