1. A single phenotype is favored because individuals with its allele have a higher fitness. What form of natural selection does this describe?

a. disruptive selection
b. sexual selection
c. directional selection
d. stabilizing selection

2. What is disruptive selection?

a. a form of natural selection in which a single average phenotype is favored
b. a form of natural selection in which individuals with extreme representations of a trait are favored over the average
c. a form of natural selection in which a single phenotype is favored because individuals with its allele have a higher fitness
d. a form of natural selection in which all phenotypes are selected to the same extent

3. A single average phenotype is favored.

What form of natural selection does this describe?

a. disruptive selection
b. sexual selection
c. directional selection
d. stabilizing selection

4. Study the histogram.

A line graph showing two peaks, one to the left and one to the right.

What form of natural selection does the histogram show?

a. stabilizing selection
b. sexual selection
c. directional selection
d. disruptive selection


Stabilizing selection

1. The form of natural selection described in which a single phenotype is favored because individuals with its allele have a higher fitness is c. directional selection.

2. Disruptive selection is b. a form of natural selection in which individuals with extreme representations of a trait are favored over the average.

3. A single average phenotype being favored describes a. disruptive selection.

4. The histogram showing two peaks, one to the left and one to the right, indicates d. disruptive selection.

1. To determine the form of natural selection described in the first question, we need to understand the given information. It states that a single phenotype is favored because individuals with its allele have a higher fitness. This suggests that there is an advantage to having this specific phenotype, leading to increased survival and reproductive success for individuals possessing it.

To find the answer, it is important to know the different types of natural selection:

a. Disruptive selection: This occurs when extreme phenotypes are favored over the average, leading to a split in the population towards both extremes.
b. Sexual selection: This involves traits that increase mating success, such as elaborate displays or physical characteristics.
c. Directional selection: In this case, one extreme phenotype is favored, resulting in a shift of the population towards that direction over time.
d. Stabilizing selection: This type favors the average phenotype, reducing variation in a population.

Based on the given information, individuals with the allele that promotes the single favored phenotype have higher fitness. This suggests a selective pressure favoring one particular phenotype, which corresponds to "c. directional selection."

2. Disruptive selection, which is described in the second question, can be determined by understanding the provided options:

a. This option describes "stabilizing selection," not disruptive selection.
b. "Disruptive selection" refers to the favoring of extreme representations of a trait over the average, so this option is correct.
c. This option describes "directional selection," not disruptive selection.
d. "Disruptive selection" does not select all phenotypes to the same extent, so this option is incorrect.

Therefore, the correct answer to the second question is "b. a form of natural selection in which individuals with extreme representations of a trait are favored over the average."

3. The third question states that a single average phenotype is favored. To identify the corresponding form of natural selection, we can review the options provided:

a. Disruptive selection favors extreme phenotypes, so this option is incorrect.
b. Sexual selection refers to traits that promote reproductive success, not specifically favoring an average phenotype, so this option is incorrect.
c. "Directional selection" involves the selection of one extreme phenotype, not the average, so this option is incorrect.
d. "Stabilizing selection" favors the average phenotype, which aligns with the given information, making this the correct answer.

Hence, the correct answer to the third question is "d. stabilizing selection."

4. According to the description of the histogram provided, there are two peaks, one on the left and one on the right. To determine the form of natural selection showcased by this histogram, let's examine the options given:

a. "Stabilizing selection" does not result in multiple peaks, so this option is incorrect.
b. "Sexual selection" refers to traits related to mating success, not related to the presence of multiple peaks, so this option is incorrect.
c. The presence of two peaks suggests that one extreme phenotype on each side of the distribution is favored, indicating "directional selection." Therefore, this is the correct answer.
d. "Disruptive selection" would lead to a bimodal distribution with separate peaks toward both extremes, as opposed to the described histogram, so this option is incorrect.

Thus, the correct answer to the fourth question is "c. directional selection."

Good luck with your quiz!