Literary Analysis Online Practice (NEED HELP)

1. D
2. A
3. C
P.S. do not copy my answers may be WRONG!!!!!

I have 10

1. A bakery
3. He wants to stay a boy
4.with a resolution
6. To evoke emotion and help readers from mental images
7.onomatopoeia is used to produce a vivid description of the dive
8.when I saw the dog running across the street , I couldn’t believe my eyes
9. Tell when a paragraph or chapter ends
10.the actions of the play and it’s characters come to life

i have 11 qustions

They all look good besides C it would be A not C :)

I can't believe 7 people already saw this and no one offed to help :(

Tilor shut up you are just being a jerk because something did't go your way

so your putting it out on some one else so SHUT-UP!!!!!!

OK SweetHeat mint to say this

Tilor shut up you are just being a Jark because something did't go your way
so your putting it out on some one else so SHUT-UP!!!!!!

b d a d for connex

You got 8 wrong but other than that 100%

i've got 11..

i need help

i have 11 too


Since nobody is being of assistance, here theese are for Connexus Literary Analysis Online Practice

1: C
2: B, D

(Correct for 3/13/2023) yw (:

Anonymous is correct if you go to Connections Academy Unit 10 Lesson 9

For unit 9. lesson 11 (march 31, 2023) 10 questions!

1. Which effect does a parallel story structure create?

B: satisfaction as separate threads are woven together

2. Use the statement about Shakespeare’s play Hamlet to complete the activity.

answer: Select the correct answer from the list. This statement represents "dramatic" irony.

3. Which literary device does this represent?

C: Suspense

4. How is the situation described in the paragraph humorous?

C: Kevin is unaware that today is not crazy sock day, but both the reader and Anthony know.

5. Which element of a film does this represent?

D: costuming and makeup

6. Which element of a film does this represent?

C: set design

7. Which step from the hero's journey does this represent?

B: The hero meets and gets trained by a mentor.

8: Which common character type is being described?

D: mentor

9. Which universal theme is being represented?

D: coming of age/loss of innocence

10. Which universal theme does this represent?

D: good versus evil

1. which of the following best describes science fiction?

- the characters often face problems related to future technological advancements

2. a literary analysis should contain a
- thoughtful interpretation of a work

3. which sentence below is INCORRECTLY punctuated?
- Help me shovel the driveway please?

They look right NOT there WRONG
