Erika baked 7 pies and cut each pie into 7 pieces. She sold each piece for $1.65. At the end of the day, she had sold 3/7 of a pie. How much did Erika earn that day?

Not a good day for pie sales.

3/7 of a pie is 3 pieces.

3 * $1.65 = ?

To find out how much Erika earned that day, we need to calculate the total number of pieces Erika sold.

Erika baked 7 pies, and each pie was cut into 7 pieces. Therefore, the total number of pieces Erika had from the 7 pies is 7 x 7 = 49 pieces.

Since Erika sold 3/7 of a pie, we need to calculate how many pieces that represents. We do this by multiplying the total number of pieces (49) by 3/7:

49 x 3/7 = 21

So, Erika sold 21 pieces that day.

Each piece was sold for $1.65. Therefore, Erika earned:

21 x $1.65 = $34.65

So, Erika earned $34.65 that day.

To find out how much Erika earned that day, we need to calculate the total number of pieces she sold and multiply that by the price per piece.

First, let's find the total number of pieces Erika started with. Erika baked 7 pies, and she cut each pie into 7 pieces, so she had a total of 7 x 7 = 49 pieces in the beginning.

Next, we need to find out how many pieces she sold. It is given that Erika sold 3/7 of a pie. Since each pie has 7 pieces, 3/7 of a pie would be (3/7) x 7 = 3 pieces.

Now we can calculate the total earnings. Erika sold 3 pieces, and each piece was sold for $1.65. So the total earnings would be 3 x $1.65 = $4.95.

Therefore, Erika earned $4.95 that day.