Michael's mother bought 1 liter of milk. Michael drank 1/5 of the milk on the first day. Michael and his sister drank 1/4 of the remaining milk on the second day. How much milk was left? (1 = 1,000 ml)

600 ml

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drank 1/5, leaving 4/5

drank 1/4 of that, or 1/5, leaving 3/5
3/5 of 1000ml = 600ml


To find out how much milk was left, we need to subtract the amount of milk that was drunk from the original amount of milk.

First, let's calculate how much milk Michael drank on the first day. We know that Michael drank 1/5 of the milk, and since there was 1 liter of milk, we can calculate it as:

1 liter * 1/5 = 1/5 liter

There are 1,000 milliliters in 1 liter, so to convert it to milliliters, we multiply by 1,000:

1/5 liter * 1,000 ml/liter = 200 ml

Therefore, Michael drank 200 ml of milk on the first day.

Now, let's calculate how much milk Michael and his sister drank on the second day. We know that they drank 1/4 of the remaining milk. To calculate it, we need to subtract the amount Michael drank on the first day from the original 1-liter amount and then multiply it by 1/4:

(1 liter - 1/5 liter) * 1/4 = 4/5 liter * 1/4 = 4/20 liter

Again, converting it to milliliters:

4/20 liter * 1,000 ml/liter = 200 ml

Therefore, Michael and his sister drank 200 ml of milk on the second day.

Now, to find out how much milk was left, we subtract the total amount taken by Michael and his sister from the original 1 liter:

1 liter - 200 ml - 200 ml = 600 ml

So, there were 600 ml of milk left.