I have to write a motivation profile paper using Ella's motivation accounted for biological theory of motivation,Marcelo's motivation accounted for psychosocial theory of motivation, and Masoko's motivation accounted for the interactionist theory of motivation.and I have to speculate the source of motivation for each based on the assumptions. I need help getting the paper started.

Is this Ella my granddaughter? What motivates her is the need to avoid pain, and the need for growth (praise, opportunity, et al).

I assume it is not my granddaughter. So you have to examine your Ella in light of these "theories", and describe what changes her behavior. I think I would start a paper such as this with describing Ella, and the things she likes, dislikes, how she interacts, and how she reacts to pain, and growth opportunities.

Since we do not know the situations of these three people, we cannot comment on their motivation. The first involves physiological aspects (e.g., level of physical maturation, endocrine aspects, physical diseases, effects of medicines/drugs, etc.), while the second emphasizes psychological and social factors (e.g., self esteem, family situation, culture, etc.). Of course, the interaction view considers both sets of factors.

You should be able to find summaries of these views in your textbook. However, I searched Google under the key words "Psychosocial motivation" to get these possible sources:

(Broken Link Removed)

You can do the same for your other concepts. In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see http://hanlib.sou.edu/searchtools/.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

The rest of the assignment says that all want to obtain a promotion at work. The assignment focuses on what motivates each by using each theory of motivation.

To write your motivation profile paper, you will need to understand the three theories of motivation mentioned: Ella's biological theory, Marcelo's psychosocial theory, and Masoko's interactionist theory. Here's how you can get started:

1. Research and understand each theory: Begin by researching each theory individually to gain a clear understanding of their key principles, assumptions, and perspectives. Look for reliable sources such as books, scholarly articles, or reputable websites to gather the necessary information. Take notes on the main ideas and concepts of each theory.

2. Identify the assumptions: Once you have a good understanding of each theory, identify the assumptions behind them. Ask yourself: What are the fundamental beliefs or perspectives that form the basis for each theory? For example, Ella's biological theory may assume that motivation is driven by biological needs and processes, while Marcelo's psychosocial theory may assume that motivation is influenced by social, psychological, and cultural factors.

3. Speculate the source of motivation for each theory: Based on the assumptions you have identified, speculate on the likely sources of motivation for each theory. For Ella's biological theory, you might consider how physiological needs such as hunger or thirst drive motivation. For Marcelo's psychosocial theory, you might explore how motivation is influenced by societal expectations, self-esteem, or relationships. And for Masoko's interactionist theory, you could explore how motivation arises from the interaction between biological, psychosocial, and environmental factors.

4. Introduce each theory and its assumptions: In the introductory part of your paper, briefly introduce each theory one by one, providing a summary of their key concepts and assumptions. This will help your reader understand the background before delving into the motivations proposed by each theory.

5. Discuss and analyze motivations: In the main body of your paper, dedicate a separate section to each theory. Start by explaining the proposed motivations based on the assumptions, and then discuss each theory's strengths and weaknesses, supporting your analysis with relevant evidence or examples. You can include case studies, research findings, or real-world examples to illustrate the motivations proposed by each theory.

6. Conclude with a comparison: In the conclusion of your paper, provide a brief summary of the motivations proposed by each theory and highlight any similarities or differences between them. Discuss how these theories have expanded our understanding of motivation and how they might complement or contradict one another.

Remember to use appropriate academic writing style throughout your paper, and cite your sources accurately using the citation style preferred by your instructor or institution. Good luck with your motivation profile paper!