In Cynthia Levinson’s We've Got A Job, students began to receive cues to leave schools. Which statement best describes how this event affected others?

A. Some student leaders felt that it was important to show up at school, while other student leaders felt that it was important to go to the radio station to have their voices heard.
B. Some teachers felt that the students were wrong, while other teachers felt that the students were doing the right thing in taking a stand.
C. Some student leaders knew it was necessary to give the exit signals, while other student leaders felt it was safer to remain at school.
D. Some teachers helped students leave by turning their backs, while other teachers helped the students by teaching lessons about segregation and integration.

im not being sarcastic btw

To determine the answer, we need to understand how the event of students receiving cues to leave schools affected others as described in Cynthia Levinson's We've Got A Job.

In this case, the best statement that describes how this event affected others is:

C. Some student leaders knew it was necessary to give the exit signals, while other student leaders felt it was safer to remain at school.

How do we determine this? We can find the answer by referring to the book "We've Got A Job" by Cynthia Levinson. By reading the book or researching information related to it, we can gain insight into the perspectives of the students and understand how the event impacted them. The book chronicles the experiences of the children who participated in the Birmingham Children's March during the Civil Rights Movement in 1963. It gives us a window into their thoughts, feelings, and actions during this crucial time.

By examining these primary sources or proper secondary sources, we can gain a deeper understanding of the diverse reactions among the student leaders, such as some believing it was necessary to give the exit signals while others felt it was safer to remain in school. This demonstrates the varying perspectives and responses of these student leaders in the face of the cues to leave schools.

It's important to note that while the answer provided is based on the most likely option, it is always advisable to consult the primary sources to obtain an accurate and comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

4/6 but thanks anyway<33

you guys have to know that these language arts tests are random, no test is the same.

tsuyu is wrong

Tsuyu is wrong, I got 2/6 </3



real answers is wrong i got 1 out of 6 the correct aswers are,


answers for the whole test!! 100% correct :)


Thanks for the 1/6 (16.7 %) correct answers, plant man.

The 100% correct ones are

Hopefully they don't get switched around, I promise this is what my test says