Tracie ran a total of 9 7/8 miles on Saturday and Sunday. She ran 5 3/4 miles on Saturday. How many miles did Tracie run on Sunday?

9 7/8 - 5 6/8 = 4 1/8


To find out how many miles Tracie ran on Sunday, we need to subtract the number of miles she ran on Saturday from the total distance she ran over the weekend.

First, let's convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions:
- The distance Tracie ran on Saturday, 5 3/4 miles, can be written as (5 x 4 + 3) / 4 = 23/4 miles.
- The total distance Tracie ran on Saturday and Sunday, 9 7/8 miles, can be written as (9 x 8 + 7) / 8 = 79/8 miles.

Now, let's subtract the distance Tracie ran on Saturday from the total distance she ran over the weekend:
79/8 - 23/4

We need a common denominator to subtract the fractions. The denominator of 4 can be converted to 8 by multiplying the numerator and denominator by 2:
79/8 - (23/4 x 2/2) = 79/8 - 46/8

Now, we can subtract the two fractions:
79/8 - 46/8 = 33/8

Therefore, Tracie ran 33/8 miles on Sunday.