Estimate each sum of the nearest thousand. 32829+ 16466+27373

33,000 + 16,000 + 27,000 = 76,000

To estimate each sum to the nearest thousand, follow these steps:

1. Round each number to the nearest thousand:
- 32829 rounds to 33000
- 16466 rounds to 16000
- 27373 rounds to 27000

2. Add the rounded numbers:
33000 + 16000 + 27000 = 76000

Therefore, the estimated sum of 32829 + 16466 + 27373 to the nearest thousand is 76000.

To estimate the sum of 32829, 16466, and 27373 to the nearest thousand, you can round each number to the nearest thousand and then add them together.

The nearest thousand for 32829 is 33000, as it is closer to 33000 than to 32000.
The nearest thousand for 16466 is 16000, as it is closer to 16000 than to 17000.
The nearest thousand for 27373 is 27000, as it is closer to 27000 than to 28000.

Now you can add the rounded numbers together:
33000 + 16000 + 27000 = 76000

Therefore, the estimated sum of 32829 + 16466 + 27373 to the nearest thousand is 76000.