George had 355 marbles. He lost 1/5 of the marbles and gave 1/4 of the remaining marbles to his brother. How many marbles did he have left?

1/5 of 355 = 71

355 - 71 = 284

284 - 284/4 = ?

Step 1: Find out how many marbles George lost.

George lost 1/5 of the marbles, so we need to find 1/5 of 355.
1/5 * 355 = 71 marbles lost.

Step 2: Calculate the remaining marbles.
To find the remaining marbles, subtract the lost marbles from the total marbles.
355 - 71 = 284 marbles remaining.

Step 3: Calculate how many marbles George gave to his brother.
George gave 1/4 of the remaining marbles to his brother, so we need to find 1/4 of 284.
1/4 * 284 = 71 marbles given to his brother.

Step 4: Calculate how many marbles George had left.
To find the marbles George had left, subtract the marbles given to his brother from the remaining marbles.
284 - 71 = 213 marbles left.

Therefore, George had 213 marbles left.

To find out how many marbles George had left, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the number of marbles George lost.
George lost 1/5 of his marbles, so we can find the number of marbles he lost by multiplying the total number of marbles (355) by 1/5:
Number of marbles lost = 355 x 1/5 = 71

Step 2: Find out how many marbles George had after he lost the marbles.
To do this, we subtract the number of marbles lost from the total number of marbles:
Marbles remaining = 355 - 71 = 284

Step 3: Calculate the number of marbles George gave to his brother.
George gave away 1/4 of the remaining marbles, so we can calculate the number of marbles given to his brother by multiplying the remaining marbles (284) by 1/4:
Number of marbles given = 284 x 1/4 = 71

Step 4: Find out how many marbles George had left after giving some to his brother.
To calculate this, we subtract the number of marbles given to his brother from the remaining marbles:
Marbles remaining = 284 - 71 = 213

Therefore, George had 213 marbles left.