1. You notice a poster at your favorite fast-food restaurant that shows meal options that offer a nutritious meal for less than 500 calories. This practice displays.....

a. communication skills.
b. conflict resolution.
c. negative support for healthy behaviors.
d. positive support for healthy behaviors.*
2. Choosing foods from a variety of food groups is important for good health. Look at the menu below.
2 slices whole grain bread
3 oz. turkey breast
1 cup watermelon
1 oz. swiss cheese
1 teaspoon mayonnaise
Which food item should be included to represent the missing food group?
a. 1 cup cantaloupe
b. 1 cup carrot sticks*
c. 1 cup skim milk
d. 1 hardboiled egg
3. Stephanie is a 18 year old female. she measures her height at 6”0” and her weight is 133 pounds. Health related risks associated with BMIs in this range include...
A. certain types of cancer
B. excess stored energy*
C. lack of organ protection
D. respiratory problems
4. Joann is suffering from an illness that requires her to include more protein in her diet. Which of the following food groupings would provide the most protein?
a. wheat bread, peanut butter, and bananas
b. sour cream, potatoes, and tossed salad
c. chicken, soy, and peanuts*
d. avocado, rice, and fish
5. which of the following is a consequence of poor nutrition?
a. increased ability to maintain a healthy BMI*
b. increased ability to resist illness and injury
c. increased mental alertness
d. increased risk of cavities
6. Deon has been diagnosed with high blood pressure. In an effort to lower his blood pressure, the doctor has recommended that he decrease his intake of
a. protein
b. sodium*
c. vitamin A
d. vitamin C
7. Choosing complex carbohydrates over simple carbohydrates can benefit your physical performance and overall health. which of the following groups of foods is made up of the most complex carbohydrate items?
a. apple juice, porkchop, and sweet potato
b. brown rice, beans, and cornbread*
c. steak baked potato and cola
d. whole grain pasta, chicken, and cream sauce
* are my answers just want to clarify

#3 is c

#5 is d
the rest are correct

Well done! Your answers are mostly correct. Here are the correct answers:

1. d. positive support for healthy behaviors.
2. b. 1 cup carrot sticks.
3. B. excess stored energy.
4. c. chicken, soy, and peanuts.
5. d. increased risk of cavities.
6. b. sodium.
7. b. brown rice, beans, and cornbread.

Great job answering the questions! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

1. Your answer is correct. The practice of displaying meal options that offer a nutritious meal for less than 500 calories on a poster at a fast-food restaurant is an example of positive support for healthy behaviors. It encourages customers to make healthier choices and promotes a balanced and nutritious diet.

2. Your answer is correct. Among the options given, including 1 cup carrot sticks would represent the missing food group, which is vegetables. The other options are fruits (cantaloupe and watermelon), dairy (skim milk), and protein (turkey breast, swiss cheese, mayonnaise, and hardboiled egg), but the missing food group is vegetables.

3. Your answer is correct. Health related risks associated with BMIs (Body Mass Index) in the given range include excess stored energy. A BMI in this range indicates that the individual may have a higher percentage of body fat, which increases the risk of storing excess energy as fat.

4. Your answer is correct. Among the options given, the food grouping that would provide the most protein is chicken, soy, and peanuts. Chicken and soy are both excellent sources of protein, and peanuts also contain a significant amount of protein. The other options either provide minimal or no substantial protein sources.

5. Your answer is incorrect. A consequence of poor nutrition is not an increased ability to maintain a healthy BMI. Rather, poor nutrition can contribute to an unhealthy BMI, such as overweight or underweight. Poor nutrition can lead to various health issues, including an increased risk of developing chronic diseases and conditions.

6. Your answer is correct. In an effort to lower his blood pressure, decreasing sodium intake is recommended. Excessive sodium intake is associated with high blood pressure, so reducing sodium consumption can help to manage and lower blood pressure levels.

7. Your answer is correct. Brown rice, beans, and cornbread are the most complex carbohydrate items among the options given. Complex carbohydrates provide a slower and more sustained release of energy compared to simple carbohydrates, which can benefit physical performance and overall health. The other options consist of simple carbohydrates or a combination of simple and complex carbohydrates.

idk dude

maybe you're correct maybe you're wrong
but idk tbh