A pair of jeans is on sale for $56 at 35% off. What is the original price of the jeans?

1.35 * 56 = ?

.65x = 56

x = 56/.65 = 88.89

To find the original price of the jeans, you first need to determine the amount of the discount.

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount.
The discount is given as 35% off, which means you pay only 65% of the original price.

Discount amount = 35% of original price
= 35/100 * original price
= 0.35 * original price

Step 2: Calculate the sale price.
The sale price of the jeans is $56.

Sale price = Original price - Discount amount

$56 = Original price - 0.35 * original price

Step 3: Solve for the original price.
Combine like terms.

$56 = 0.65 * original price

Divide both sides by 0.65.

original price = $56 / 0.65
= $86.15 (rounded to the nearest cent)

Therefore, the original price of the jeans is approximately $86.15.

To find the original price of the jeans, we can use the formula:

Original Price = Sale Price / (1 - Discount%)

In this case, the sale price is $56 and the discount is 35%.

First, convert the discount percentage to decimal form by dividing it by 100: 35% = 35/100 = 0.35

Now, we can use the formula to find the original price:

Original Price = $56 / (1 - 0.35)
Original Price = $56 / 0.65

Dividing $56 by 0.65, we get the original price:

Original Price = $86.15

Therefore, the original price of the jeans was $86.15.