Conclusion: End with a brief paragraph explaining how critiquing a work of art changes how you look at it. What did you learn by working through the steps that an art critic does?

What should I put here?

Critiquing art helped me with understanding what art actually means and the message behind it.

In conclusion, critiquing a work of art can greatly enhance the way we perceive and appreciate it. By engaging in a systematic evaluation process, similar to that of an art critic, we develop a deeper understanding of the artwork's intent, techniques, and underlying messages. Through careful analysis of various elements such as composition, color, subject matter, and art historical context, we begin to notice details that may have eluded us initially. This process allows us to move beyond our initial impressions and appreciate the nuances and complexities of the artwork. By following the steps of an art critic, we learn to approach art with a more discerning eye, leading to a richer and more meaningful experience with the artwork.

When critiquing a work of art, you learn to analyze and interpret the piece beyond its surface level aesthetics. By going through the steps that an art critic follows, you develop a deeper understanding of the artist's intentions, themes, and techniques. This process allows you to engage with the artwork on a more intellectual and emotional level, enhancing your appreciation and perception of its meaning. Through critiquing, you learn how to objectively evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the art, which helps you form well-informed opinions and broaden your perspective. Ultimately, critiquing changes how you look at art by enabling you to engage in a meaningful dialogue with the artwork and enrich your overall experience as a viewer.