Use semicolons or commas to revise each comma splice or fused sentence into a

correct compound sentence.
1. The group released a new CD today however it will not be available for a month.
2. Two members of the Johnson family came to the picnic but neither of them stayed for
the speeches.

To revise the comma splices or fused sentences into correct compound sentences, you can use semicolons or commas appropriately. Here's how to revise each sentence:

1. The group released a new CD today; however, it will not be available for a month.
Explanation: In this sentence, "however" acts as a transitional word to connect two independent clauses. To revise it, you can use a semicolon before "however" to separate the two independent clauses.

2. Two members of the Johnson family came to the picnic, but neither of them stayed for the speeches.
Explanation: In this sentence, "but" is used as a coordinating conjunction to connect two independent clauses. To revise it, you can simply use a comma before "but" to separate the two independent clauses.