three more than the product of two and a number xxx.

what is the answer

the answer is (2x)+3 because I did it on a piece of paper and got ot right trust me this is the right answer


i need helpppp

To find the expression "three more than the product of two and a number xxx," you need to multiply two and xxx and then add three to the result.

Let's say xxx represents a specific number. To find the expression for this specific number, you can multiply 2 and xxx, which is written as 2 * xxx. Next, add three to the product of 2 and xxx, which can be expressed as 2 * xxx + 3.

For example, if xxx is 5, you would calculate the expression as follows:

2 * 5 + 3 = 10 + 3 = 13

Therefore, the expression "three more than the product of two and a number xxx" is 2 * xxx + 3.

[2 (xxx)] + 3